1. descstat::employment
    French employment survey
  2. descstat::padova
    Housing prices in Padova
  3. descstat::rgp
    Extract of the French census
  4. descstat::wages
    DADS survey
  5. mhurdle::Interview
  6. mlogit::Car
    Stated Preferences for Car Choice
  7. mlogit::Catsup
    Choice of Brand for Catsup
  8. mlogit::Cracker
    Choice of Brand for Crakers
  9. mlogit::Electricity
    Stated preference data for the choice of electricity suppliers
  10. mlogit::Fishing
    Choice of Fishing Mode
  11. mlogit::Game
    Ranked data for gaming platforms
  12. mlogit::Game2
    Ranked data for gaming platforms
  13. mlogit::HC
    Heating and Cooling System Choice in Newly Built Houses in California
  14. mlogit::Heating
    Heating System Choice in California Houses
  15. mlogit::JapaneseFDI
    Japanese Foreign Direct Investment in European Regions
  16. mlogit::Mode
    Mode Choice
  17. mlogit::ModeCanada
    Mode Choice for the Montreal-Toronto Corridor
  18. mlogit::NOx
    Technologies to reduce NOx emissions
  19. mlogit::RiskyTransport
    Risky Transportation Choices
  20. mlogit::Train
    Stated Preferences for Train Traveling
  21. pder::CallBacks
    Callbacks to Job Applications
  22. pder::CoordFailure
    How to Overcome Organization Failure in Organization
  23. pder::DemocracyIncome
    The Relation Between Democraty and Income
  24. pder::DemocracyIncome25
    The Relation Between Democraty and Income
  25. pder::Dialysis
    Diffusion of Haemodialysis Technology
  26. pder::Donors
    Dynamics of Charitable Giving
  27. pder::EvapoTransp
  28. pder::FinanceGrowth
    Financial Institutions and Growth
  29. pder::ForeignTrade
    Foreign Trade of Developing Countries
  30. pder::GiantsShoulders
    Impact of Institutions on Cumulative Research
  31. pder::HousePricesUS
    House Prices Data
  32. pder::IncomeMigrationH
    Income and Migration, Household Data
  33. pder::IncomeMigrationV
    Income and Migration, Village Data
  34. pder::IneqGrowth
    Inequality and Growth
  35. pder::LandReform
    Politics and Land Reforms in India
  36. pder::LateBudgets
    Late Budgets
  37. pder::Mafia
    Mafia and Public Spending
  38. pder::MagazinePrices
    Magazine Prices
  39. pder::RDPerfComp
    R and D Performing Companies
  40. pder::RDSpillovers
    Research and Development Spillovers Data
  41. pder::Reelection
    Deficits and Reelection
  42. pder::RegIneq
    Interregional Redistribution and Inequalities
  43. pder::ScrambleAfrica
    The Long-run Effects of the Scramble for Africa
  44. pder::SeatBelt
    Seat Belt Usage and Traffic Fatalities
  45. pder::Seniors
    Intergenerationals Experiments
  46. pder::Solow
    Growth Model
  47. pder::TexasElectr
    Production of Electricity in Texas
  48. pder::Tileries
    Production of Tileries in Egypt
  49. pder::TobinQ
    The Q Theory of Investment
  50. pder::TradeEU
    Trade in the European Union
  51. pder::TradeFDI
    Trade and Foreign Direct Investment in Germany and the United States
  52. pder::TurkishBanks
    Turkish Banks
  53. pder::TwinCrises
    Costs of Currency and Banking Crises
  54. pder::etw
    Spatial weights matrix for EvapoTransp
  55. pder::usaw46
    Spatial weights matrix - 49 US states
  56. pder::usaw49
    Spatial weights matrix - 49 US states
    matrix|49 x 49
  57. pglm::fairness
    Perveived Fairness of rules for allocating seats in trains and parking spaces
  58. pglm::health_ins
    Health Insurance and Doctor Visits
  59. pglm::hedonic
    Hedonic Prices of Census Tracts in the Boston Area
  60. pglm::patents_rd
    Dynamic Relation Between Patents and R&D
  61. pglm::union_wage
    Unionism and wage rate determination
  62. plm::Cigar
    Cigarette Consumption
  63. plm::Crime
    Crime in North Carolina
  64. plm::EmplUK
    Employment and Wages in the United Kingdom
  65. plm::Gasoline
    Gasoline Consumption
  66. plm::Grunfeld
    Grunfeld's Investment Data
  67. plm::Hedonic
    Hedonic Prices of Census Tracts in the Boston Area
  68. plm::LaborSupply
    Wages and Hours Worked
  69. plm::Males
    Wages and Education of Young Males
  70. plm::Parity
    Purchasing Power Parity and other parity relationships
  71. plm::Produc
    US States Production
  72. plm::RiceFarms
    Production of Rice in Indonesia
  73. plm::Snmesp
    Employment and Wages in Spain
  74. plm::SumHes
    The Penn World Table, v. 5
  75. plm::Wages
    Panel Data of Individual Wages